Hi am
Fandi Bayu

Images Designer

Tools, tutorials, design and innovation experts, all in one place! The most intuitive way to imagine your next user experience.

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Profile Programmer Fandi

About Me

Hi, my name is Fandi Bayu a frontend developer and freelancer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm a 5 semester student at Jenderal Soedirman University.

I help companies to build scaleable web app and beautiful user interfaces to give users the best digital experiences while using their products. My main focus is building accessible and scaleable user interfaces for a variety of clients.

These are some of tools and technologies that I used recently

Some Projects I've built

Another Project Redesign I've Built

Redesign Image 1

Redesign Website Russ Rufino

This is a website Russ Rufino, that I resigned from a client request with a UI that I made myself using :

JavaScript, HTML5, Bootstrap5, CSS3, and Jquery.

Redesign Web 2

Redesign Website Pedro Adrao

This is a website Pedro Adrao, that I resigned from a client request with a UI that I made myself using :

JavaScript, HTML5, Bootstrap5, CSS3, and Jquery.

Redesign Web 3

Redesign Taki Moore

This is a website Taki Moore, that I resigned from a client request with a UI that I made myself using :

JavaScript, HTML5, Bootstrap5, CSS3, and Jquery.


  • Dicoding Academy

  • Juli 2020

Belajar Dasar Pemograman Web

here I learned to start learning basic website creation, by understanding what a website is, a programming language, what a programmer is, and much more. For the graduation requirements of this class I have to complete an assignment by creating a static website using HTML5, Vanilla Css, and JavaScript.

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  • Dicoding Academy

  • September 2020

Belajar Fundamental Front-End Web

This is an advanced class of basic web programming, here I am taught frontend developer fundamentals, such as understanding the concepts of JavaScript ES6, CSS, HTML, webpack, and also understanding what a responsive website is which has been important among the front end itself. For graduation requirements I have to complete a case study of making a website using JavaScript ES6, without using the css framework.

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  • Dicoding Academy

  • Agustus 2022

Belajar Dasar Pemrograman JavaScript

This class is intended for individuals who want to step up to become a Web Developer/Back-end developer using Node.js technology using industry competency standards validated by AWS. At the end of the class, students can master the basics of JavaScript for web application development using Node.Js.

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  • Build With Angga

  • March 2021

Full Stack Website Developer

In this course I learn Full Stack programming languages, such as understanding PHP with the Laravel 6 Framework, CSS using Sass and a mix with bootstrap and other Javascript libraries.

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  • Build With Angga

  • June 2021

Full-Stack Website Designer

In this course I was taught in-depth to website designers, such as building a UI from scratch, slinting the UI to the appropriate code, and the programming language used, namely HTML5, CSS with Tailwindcss Framework, Javascript with ES6.

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  • Direktorat Jenderal Pajak

  • July 2021

Lomba Cipta Game Edukasi Perpajakan

This certificate is an achievement for the participants because they have participated in an educational game creation competition from the directorate general of taxes which requires participants to use JavaScript as their main language, and I have participated in this competition with my team of 3 people and my job here is as a game developer. which I have made.

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Get in Touch

For any bussiness inquiries, questions or if you wanna just say hi, you can leave me an email, I'll try my best to get back to you!

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